Lilly's Birthday

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Lilliana Marie Karas
2:09 am
9lbs 2.7oz

After i had gone to sleep for the night i awoke at approx. 12:45am with tummy pain. We quickly took the boys to GG's house and proceeded to head toward the hospital we called the hospital to let them know we were on the way. We were on the phone with them when about 7 min into the drive my water broke in the car and we immediately pulled over into the McDonalds parking lot and waited for an ambulance to come get me, we never would have made it on time on our own. The ambulance drove about 90mph the whole way. When they wheeled me in the doors they checked me i was FULLY DILATED! They rushed me up stairs and within minutes the doc showed up, threw on her scrubs and asked if i was ready to push. I screamed no and that i wanted pain meds but it was wayyyyy too late. After just a couple minutes of pushing Lilly made her debut I couldn't believe that i had just delivered such a chunky baby without any medicine at all. In a way I'm glad i didn't have any drugs. It made me much more in tune with everything that was going on I"m glad i got to experience every aspect of her birth.

Lilly had Jaundice so we spent a few extra days in the Hospital under the BilliLights.

 We were so excited when she got to come home.